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Happy 4th of July! Jul 3, 2015

As we prepare to celebrate our nation’s Declaration of Independence, we want to remind you to practice a few simple safety tips, so you can enjoy this fun and memorable holiday.
LEAVE IT TO THE PROFESSIONALS: The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public display conducted by trained professionals.
KEEP CHILDREN SAFE: Children should not handle or use fireworks. Firecrackers, rockets and sparklers are just too dangerous.
ALWAYS USE CAUTION: If you plan to use fireworks, have a fire extinguisher, hose, or bucket of water nearby. Soak spent fireworks in a bucket of water before discarding in a fire-resistant outdoor garage can.
THINK ABOUT YOUR PETS: Animals have sensitive ears and can be extremely frightened or stressed on the 4th of July. Keep pets indoors to reduce the risk that they will run loose or get injured.

Teton County Fire & Rescue wishes you a safe & HAPPY 4th of JULY!
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