Tie Canyon Fire Press Release, Aug 23, 2016
Teton County, ID- The United States Forest Service, Teton County Idaho, Teton County Sherrif Office, and the City of Victor are closely monitoring a wind driven 870 acre forest fire in Tie Canyon located on Pine Creek Pass. The fire has spotted across and east of the Upper Rainey Creek Road. An area closure is in effect, as are road closures for Tie Canyon Road 252 and Upper Rainey Creek Road 253. The United States Forest Service is planning to close the Black Grove Trail 047, the Power Line Trail 321, and the Blanchard Ridge Trail 014. Highway 31 may close if the fire shifts towards it.
Because power lines are in the vicinity of the fire, regional power outages may occur. At this time, it is not necessary for citizens to reduce electrical use.
A Level One evacuation order has been issued to residents and property owners south of 10000 South, east of Highway 31, and west of 1000 West (Pole Canyon Road) in addition to Hidden Waters Subdivision. Please see the below map and information regarding the three evacuation levels.
Finally, it is critical that people do not fly drones near the forest fire. Any drone intrusion halts all fire suppression operation and substantial fines will be issued.
Evacuation updates will be posted on the Teton County website at http://tetoncountyidaho.gov/ and the Teton County Sheriff Office Facebook page.
Released by Holly Wolgamott, Teton County Public Information Officer, 208-354-8775.
Teton County Evacuation Levels
LEVEL 1: A Level 1 Evacuation means “BE READY” for potential evacuation.
Residents should be aware of the danger that exists in their area, monitor emergency services websites and local media outlets for information. This is the time for preparation and precautionary movement of persons with special needs, mobile property and (under certain circumstances) pets and livestock. If conditions worsen, emergency services personnel may contact you via an emergency notification system.
LEVEL 2: A Level 2 Evacuation means “BE SET” to evacuate.
This level indicates there is significant danger to your area, and residents should either voluntarily relocate to a shelter or with family/friends outside of the affected area, or if choosing to remain, to be ready to evacuate at a moment’s notice. Residents MAY have time to gather necessary items, but doing so is at their own risk.
Emergency services cannot guarantee that they will be able to notify you if conditions rapidly deteriorate. Area media services will be asked to broadcast periodic updates.
LEVEL 3: A Level 3 Evacuation means “GO”
Danger to your area is current or imminent, and you should evacuate immediately. If you choose to ignore this advisement, you must understand that emergency services may not be available to assist you further. DO NOT delay leaving to gather any belongings or make efforts to protect your home.
Entry to evacuated areas may be denied until conditions are safe. Area radio and TV stations have been asked to broadcast periodic updates.
Sign up for emergency notification at http://www.tetoncountysheriff.com/
Follow the Teton County Sheriff’s Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/teton.sheriff/ and the Teton County website at: www.tetoncountyidaho.gov
– Evacuation Plan. Print your plan and put it on your refrigerator, or put a copy in your disaster supplies kit. Make sure everyone in your family knows where your kit is. Also keep in mind that many of these principles apply to all disaster types.
– Get a map of your area and make sure everyone in your family understands the ways in and out of your neighborhood.
– Assign tasks to each family member for what to do during Level 1 (Ready), Level 2 (Set), Level 3 (GO!) evacuations. Print this checklist and post it on your refrigerator.
– Designate a meeting place – this could be a friend or family members’ house, or an evacuation shelter.
– Choose an out-of-the-area contact person to relay information about your welfare to family and friends and to keep your phone lines open.
House Preparation
– Make sure house numbers are visible from the street.
– Make sure driveways are wide enough for fire trucks to enter (10-12 feet wide).
– Prepare your defensible space. See the Firewise checklists and tips. www.firewise.org
Disaster Supplies Kit
– Keep kits supplied and ready at all times in your home and in your vehicle. Kits should include, at the minimum, food and water for each family member for 3 days, battery operated radio, flashlight and extra batteries, first aid kit, and an extra set of sturdy clothing for each family member. Don’t forget medications, as necessary.
– Assemble pet kits and keep them in your home and vehicle. Include food, water, leashes, carriers, and medications.
– Assemble special documents, like birth certificates, social security cards, legal documents, phone contact lists, family photos, household inventory, and any portable valuables into easily-moved containers that can be loaded into a vehicle quickly and easily.