1995 Kenworth T800 Semi Tractor with a 2007 Trail-EZE Flat Bed Trailer – SOLD, Sep 7, 2022
Teton County Fire Protection District is accepting sealed bids on a 1995 Kenworth T800 Semi Tractor with a 2007 Trail-EZE Flat Bed Trailer. Sold as a package.
The items will be displayed at the Fire Station 1, located at 911 N Hwy 33 in Driggs. Sold as is with no warranty.
Minimum bid starting at $30,000. Submit the sealed bids by mail to TCFR, P.O. Box 474, Driggs, ID 83422, by Friday, September 23, 2022. Bids to be read on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, at 4:00pm.
The truck is a 1995 Kenworth T800 Model with a 435 horsepower Cummins motor and a ten speed transmission. It has a PTO driven hydraulic wet kit. The trailer is a 2007 Trail-EZE model TE 70 HT, 40ft. long. It has a hydraulic operated tail with a 35 ton capacity. The Trailer has been appraised by Utility Trailer in Idaho Falls at $30,000. The Kenworth T800 Semi Tractor was appraise by Kenworth Sales in Idaho Falls at $15,000. Questions can be submitted to moneill@tetoncountyfire.com or call 208-715-5201.